7 Oct 2014

Nail Care

I love healthy long nails. Not too long but long enough to make your fingers look feminine. The problem about nails are BREAKAGE, BREAKAGE and more breakage lol. My nails always chip and I've come so close to a perfect 10 on many occasions. It will happen one day.

So I've decided to start a small informative diary to my daily nail care. I want to find out the secrets to healthy long nails and will be experimenting with my nails to create a regime that I can stick too.

My nails so far without much of a regime has grown well. Examples below over the last 9 months

So as you can see my natural nails aren't short, so imagine the pain when they break (-.-)
I need something that will keep my nails strong, long and healthy. So I'll be back with another post to let you know what products and actions I've taken towards it.

At this precise moment these are my nails:

I'll be putting a regime to follow to test out the do's and don't's for my nail care. Wish me luck, catch you later x


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