14 Oct 2014


A Feminist! Many of us think of angry Lesbians or Independent I don't need a man type of women or women who sit around bashing men. Women who complain about how they want to be treated equally by white men, or treated equally to White men. (I know you're thinking why is she saying white men, another post my friend, another post.)

 Lets face it the word 'Feminist' comes with bad baggage and pre conditioned thoughts about the sort of people feminists are. Feminism shouldn't be seen as just one big movement where women are trying to over throw men. Feminism is an ideology that is moving women forward in Social, Political and Economical ways.  

"Feminist: A person who believes in the Social, Political and Economic equality of the sexes." - Chimamanda Adichie

I've always believed in that type of equality. I also believe biblically speaking, that Men are the leaders and women are the support system. I also believe some jobs men prefer to do and some jobs women prefer to do.  Some of you will agree and some of you may not. But that is my informed opinion.

Developing into the woman I want to become requires that I'm given equal opportunities so that I can move my life forward. It's not to only compete with men,or to try and bring men down or to belittle them. I just want to be able to develop freely without the judgements of gender holding me back

What I don't like are these 'feminists' that shout around to be heard and blame all of their misfortunes on the root cause of being a woman. If we really want these equalities, stand out of the crowd, start your own organisation, employ women during the start up, go to female events. etc. 
We should create our own opportunities right? There is nothing wrong with doing any of that. 

However, we should understand Men are needed, in the world we live in we need male support. At the end of the day there are some deals, ventures, business development, opportunities etc, that are in the palms of certain powerful hands. With wisdom and making the right moves, doors can be opened before being kicked down. Sometimes things should be done strategically. Not all men think women should be stay at home wives, or should only work in HR or Administration etc. There are a lot of men who are looking for strong women to build with.

You should be a strong helper in order to become a strong leader.

Let me know your views on feminism.

Be you and Be true to who you are.

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